联系人:陈老师 , 邝老师






2022.01–至今 湖南科技大学 地理空间信息技术国家地方联合工程实验室

2019/09–2021/12   法国国家森林与地理信息研究院(IGN),博士后

2015/07–2019/08   澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT)测绘科学与技术,博士

2011/09–2013/06   武汉大学 大地测量学与测量工程,硕士

2007/09–2011/06   武汉大学 测绘工程,学士




l 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 基于物理信息深度神经网络的热层大气密度预报研究, 在研, 主持

l 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于贝叶斯优化估计的多角度偏振遥感气溶胶层高度分布反演研究, 在研, 参与

l 法国国家科研署项目, GEODESIE, 结题, 核心成员

l 澳大利亚空间环境研究中心与澳大利亚政府合作项目, Australian Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Space Environment Management, 2014/01-2021/03, 结题, 子课题核心成员



1. He C, Li W, Hu A, Zheng D, Cai H, Xiong Z (2024) Thermospheric mass density modelling during geomagnetic quiet and weakly disturbed time. Atmosphere, 15(1):72.

2. He C, Pollet A, Coulot D, Schott-Guilmault V & Perosanz F (2023) Towards the tropospheric ties in the GPS, DORIS, and VLBI combination analysis during CONT14, Journal of Geodesy, 97(111).

3. Li W, He C, Hu A, Zhao D, Shen Y, Zhang K (2021). A new method for improving the performance of an ionospheric model developed by multi-instrument measurements based on artificial neural network. Advances in Space Research, 67(1), 20–34.

4. He C, Yang Y, Carter B, Zhang K, Hu A, Li W, Deleflie F, Norman R, Wu S (2020). Impact of thermospheric mass density on the orbit prediction of LEO satellites. Space Weather, 18, e2019SW002336. (该论文被选为Research Spotlight on Eos:

5. He C, Yang Y, Carter B, Kerr E, Wu S, Deleflie F, Cai H, Zhang K, Norman R (2018). Review and comparison of empirical thermospheric mass density models. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 193:31-51.

6. He C, Wu S, Wang X, Hu A, Wang Q, Zhang K (2017). A new voxel-based model for the determination of atmospheric weighted mean temperature in GPS atmospheric sounding. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(6), 2045.

7. Li W, Zhao D, He C, Shen Y, Hu A, Zhang K (2021). Application of a multi‐layer artificial neural network in a 3‐D global electron density model using the long‐term observations of COSMIC, Fengyun‐3C, and Digisonde. Space Weather, 19(3), e2020SW002605.

8. Li W, Yue J, Yang Y, He C, Hu A, Zhang K (2018) Ionospheric and thermospheric responses to the recent strong solar flares on 6 September 2017. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123(10):8865–8883.

9. Hu A, Wu S, Wang X, Wang Y, Norman R, He C, Han C, Zhang K (2017). Improvement of Reflection Detection Success Rate of GNSS RO Measurements Using Artificial Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(2): 760-769.

10. Yao Y B, Zhang B, Xu C Q, He C Y, Yu C, Yan F (2016) A global empirical model for estimating zenith tropospheric delay, SCIENCE CHINA-Earth Sciences, 59 (1): 118-128.

11. 钱闯, 何畅勇, 刘晖. (2014). 基于球冠谐分析的区域精密对流层建模. 测绘学报, 43(3), 248-256. (EI).

12. 姚宜斌, 何畅勇, 张豹, 许超钤 (2013) 一种新的全球对流层天顶延迟模型GZTD. 地球物理学报, 2013, 56(7): 2218-2227.


1. He C, Pollet A, (2020). Towards tropospheric ties in the computation of terrestrial reference frames, 国际大地测量科学大会 (IAG), 北京, 中国, June 2021.

2. He C, Yang Y, Carter B, Ruan H, Deleflie F, Lei J, and Zhang K (2018) Impact of variations in thermospheric mass density on the orbit propagation of low Earth orbit satellites. 69届国际宇航大会 (IAC), 不莱梅, 德国, Oct 2018.

3. He C, Yang Y, Carter B, Cai H, Wu S, and Kefei Zhang. Nonlinear uncertainty propagation of orbital mechanics subject to stochastic error in atmospheric mass density models. 31st ISTS, 26th ISSFD and 8th NSAT, 松本市, 日本, June 2017.

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